About Our Veterans Council
"Strength in Unity"
Established September 04, 1985, by Executive order 1985-80
The Veterans Council of Duval County, or VCDC, was chartered to unify the Veteran’s organizations of Duval County, Florida, providing solidarity in communications of the veterans’ viewpoints and a means for disseminating information on the issue before local, state, and national legislative bodies that affect veterans, their families, and surviving spouses.We are a Not-for-Profit, Tax-Exempt Corporation registered in the State of Florida effective as of May 17, 2023. Our EIN is 82-4378683.
With over 90,000 Veterans accounted for in the 2020 Census, Duval County, FL has one of the largest Veteran populations in any metropolitan area in the United States. It is imperative that we unite in our mission to take care of one another and ensure that all of our Veterans including our future Veterans, those who are serving in the United States Armed Services are represented and who rights are fought for whenever they are threatened.
Who We Are:
Our Council Officers
Our Veterans Council Officers are voted into two (2) year terms by the Council Members. Here are our 2024-2026 VCDC Officers:

Dani Hernandez
Danette “Dani” Hernandez served in the U.S Navy 1987-1994. She served as a Hospital Corpsman, specializing in Aerospace Medicine.
Dani joined the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) in 2002. She earned her VFW eligibility from Desert Shield/Desert Storm. From 2009-2010, Dani served as the VFW Post 7909 Commander. She was the first female Commander of the Post. Moving up the chain in the VFW, Dani served as the District 6 Commander from 2015-2016 and attained All-State and All-American status. From 2021-2022, she served as the VFW State Commander for Florida. She has served as chairperson on various committees (Post, District and State levels) throughout her years with the VFW.
The Military Order of the Cootie (MOC) is the honor degree of the VFW whose primary mission is to help hospitalized Veterans. Dani has served as the Pup Tent 23 Seam Squirrel (multiple years); District 6 Commander (2009-2010); Grand of Florida Commander (2012-2013); Supreme District 5 Council Member (covering FL, GA, NC, SC from 2015-2017); Supreme (National) Surgeon (2018-2024) and as a Deputy VAVS for VAMC Lake City (2023-present).
Dani engages in the Veterans Community in the Jacksonville area. She serves as a mentor for Veterans Treatment Court (2020-present); volunteer at the Jacksonville International Airport Military Lounge (2023-present); treasurer for the Support Committee at the Jacksonville National Cemetery; Onward Ops sponsor; Team Rubicon; Soldiers Angels; VA Military and Family Advisory Committee; Disabled American Veterans Service Officer (2024-present); Trident Ministry Team member Naval Station Mayport; The Mission Continues; Travis Manion Foundation and a volunteer with the VA Compassionate Contact Corp. She is also a Board member with Students Against Child Trafficking and serves on the Urban League CVEC Advisory Committee.
Dani holds a BS in Health Care Management (Cum Laude) from Southern Illinois University and an MBA from the University of Phoenix.

Robert Hernandez
1st Vice Chairman

Ami Ritter
2nd Vice Chairman | Membership Coordinator

Myisha De Nose

Richard McDowell

Robert Williams

Zane Coonce

Anna Noe, Esq.
Judge Advocate

Rich Possert Jr.
Immediate Past Chairman
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to join the VCDC?
We welcome all veterans’ service organizations, active duty or reserve component military servicemembers, military or retired military associations, and quasi-veteran’s organizations, including organization and individuals that advocate for, or are friends of veterans, or any honorably discharged veteran, whose interest is the welfare of Veterans and their families, to join us.
When are the monthly meetings?
Our monthly meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7pm/1900. If there is a special meeting, the Council will notify all Members of the date and time via email.
Where are the monthly meetings?
All monthly meetings will be held at the American Legion 137 “Moon Building”, located behind the Post and their swimming pool. If the monthly meeting will be held somewhere else, the Council will notify all members via email. The address of American Legion 137 is:
How can I join the Veterans Council of Duval County?
Fill out the membership form located HERE. Print out the membership form and bring it with you when you attend the next monthly meeting, and present the filled out membership form along with your annual dues to the Treasurer or 2nd Vice-Chairman/Membership Coordinator. The Council Members will make a motion to accept you as a member. You can also email the form HERE prior to attending your first meeting.
What areas are included in Duval County?
Jacksonville, Mayport, Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach, and Baldwin, Florida.
Where can I find all applicable documents for the VCDC?
We have our Executive Orders, Constitution, Standing Rules, as well as meeting agendas, minutes, and audio files on our Documents page. Click HERE to go there!.